Johnny Gremico’s wife was a nice lady. and, i use the term lady not in a
condescending, snarky type of way. no, i say lady because she comported herself
in a manner that was becoming of a lady.
I said….
I know what you said. Mick, what the fuck did he just say?
um … not sure … um … nope, not real sure.
jesus christ it’s like living between the pages of city mouse, country mouse…. she
was a lady. a real lady. she walked and acted, talked and behaved like a lady a
nice, nice dame.
ok. fine. thanks …
so, one night, we’re at the little while…
who was at the little while?
Oh … um. Let’s see… Demps was there. Nicky carts…
the vegas guy?
No, that’s Nicky cards. Nicky carts runs the sausage carts in town. you know …
The one in front of the post office?
Yeah And,. on main and crest and any other friggin sausage cart in town. That’s
Nicky carts, he owns those.
I did not know that. Did you know that?
No, I didn’t. I mean, good fuckin’ sausage but I had no idea that was all Nicky
well… it is…
wow, I should … wow.
Who was there …
…at the little while.
Right. Ok, Nicky Carts, Alan, the lunch room guy was there. he didn’t come with
us but his group, three really pretty girls and these two guys. Both guys, well
dressed you know. Anyway …Alan comes over to say hi and his group just … takes
off. So, he hung with us.
Yeah, that’s one ay to describe it. So, anyway … Pete, Arnie, and Dave from the
mountains was there
Said together…
So, we’re all hanging by the pool table, playing pool and eatin’ wings.
Ten cent wing night.
you got,.. they are so freakin good.
i know. seriously… they could go chain ..
No, no… please.
that would suck.
Ok, well… that’s the set up. now, into the mix. The door opens and the juke box,
coincidentally ended a song and there was no following record.
that’s rare.
yes, i agree that is rare, but, it was still a coincidence.
right. if that’s what you say.
right, we weren’t there.
sure….. ANYWAY, she steps in, jukebox stops, all heads turn to her. then, in
unison, we all lean and look behind her.
Lookin’ for Johnny
right. only… he’s not there.
Dave says under his beard… he’s probably parking. dropped her off. it is raining
and you know johnny.
yeah. we know johnny.
I know, right. Dropping the woman off at the door so she doesn’t get wet while he
parks and then walks the distance, getting wet.
that’s classy.
it’s very polite.
I know. And, she’s his wife.
So, she catches wise and says… He isn’t here this evening.
Yikes. That’s …. wow.
I know, and that’s when i realize. i have never heard this woman speak.
wait. No. Wait… she … no… Neither have I.
Imagine that.
So, she comes over and says hello. Takes off her coat and hangs it on the back of
a chair and says, to no one in particular … I’d like a drink.
You’re kidding.
No. But, you know, it wasn’t bitchy or demanding… it was just a statement of fact.
I’d like a drink.
So, what happened.
Um … like 4 of us bumped into each other moving toward the bar.
That’s funny.
Yeah. well, sure but then she calls out in this buttered rum voice… don’t ya wanna
know what I’m drinkin’ boys.
Really? Like … film noir babe.
right. Right. Killed us., So, we get her the drink… a melon ball. Odd, green … thing.
Rose had to look it up in a book. Calls out to the whole bar, catch a load of me, I’m
a frickin’ mixologist.
She didn’t give her the beers and shots here, only thing top shelf is the trophy’s
Nope, rose let her slide off pretty easy. Tellin’ you … a Lady…
So, she sits down next to me and i say, hello Andrea, hitting that long eh,
stressing the right syllable and she says. thank you, James. You always
You always remember?
I do. Not sure why but, I always get it right.
That’s kind of nice,
it is, take note mooks. Be nice to the broads and they like you…
Oh listen to this… the guy thinks he’s fuckin’ Ms. Manners now.
No, I think I’m fuckin’ your mother right now.
Dude… my mother. Come on.
All right. Sorry.
Anyway …I ask her where Johnny is and she says the strangest thing…
He’s home and I am not sure he will ever leave again. He is, the only way I can
describe it is, profoundly sad. he is profoundly sad. We were at TIm Grants bakery
four days ago, Tim says to Johnny, you never have anything with the coffee, come
on, have a something. So, Johnny says, Ok. I’ll have the vanilla butter cream
cupcake. It was a big cupcake. you know, not birthday party for fifty, bargain
cupcake. it was a good lookin’ cupcake. So, johnny sits down and looks at it. then
he says, Andrea, cannot explain this but, I am going to be profoundly sad when
this cupcake is over. and … he was.
I get it.
You do?
Yeah. I get it.
Do you…
Could you maybe explain…
doubt it.
What… what happened next?
Next. She finished her drink and stood up. Three of us fell over ourselves to help
her with her coat. She took my arm and I walked her to the door. I opened the
door and she stepped out, stood there and waited for an escort to her car.
Did you … I mean was it all…
NO. I walked her to her car. And she unlocked it, opened the door and then, she
turned to me and says …
I realized that it’s not the big things that take us down. The crushing defeats,
somehow, we can face those and, in time, rise again. The big blows like love and
loss, those are chump change in reality. But, it’s the simple disappointments, the
end of a day that should have been and wasn’t. A missed birthday. A bad
Christmas. Hell… a cupcake. The little things are the things we invest more hope
and more expectation in. Something small and sweet. You know. You wish and
pray that it goes on forever but, it just doesn’t. I guess… well, I guess it just can’t.
That’s … profound.
I know, right. Then, she steps to me and says, you… you have the potential to
disappoint. be careful with that. Then she kisses my cheek, like and old friend.
gets in the car and goes.
And Johnny?
Three days later.
Right. Right. Jesus.
I never thought…
No. Me either.
The thing is …
Well, sure…
He was a good guy.
The best.
I never knew.
To Johnny.
Weird, huh?
Sure is.
Johnny Gremico’s wife was a nice lady.